Hectic Hounds

Navigating city streets with an over-excited barky, lunge-y pup can be overwhelming and, at times, embarrassing! It often feels like your dog is the ONLY dog behaving this way.

This group class is geared towards social but overaroused pups who need help focusing and remaining calm around other dogs or people. We’ll give you the skills necessary to navigate these situations and, by changing your pups feelings towards their triggers, helping them make better choices. 

Who is Hectic Hounds for?
Hectic Hounds is the ideal class for:
– Adolescent Dogs
– Dogs who are social but get overly excited when they see people or dogs.
– Dogs who can’t focus around distractions.
– Dogs who bark, lunge, pull or become overexcited on leash.

Hectic Hounds is NOT for:
– Dogs with a bite history.
– Dogs with significant anxiety.
– Dogs who respond to humans/dogs by growling, snapping or biting.

Cost: $290 for six consecutive classes.
Duration: 50 minutes.
– Dog is over 20 weeks old.
– Handler is over the age of 18.
– One handler per dog.
– Dog has received Rabies and DHPP vaccines. 


October 15th – November 19th

(Tuesdays at 7:15pm) 

Take a look at our frequently asked questions for more information about Hectic Hounds.

Do I attend class with my dog?

Your FIRST CLASS will be for humans only. After that, yes – you should plan to attend with your pup.

Can multiple handlers attend class?

Unfortunately, at this time, we are still only allowing one handler per pup. Handlers can switch off between each class session, however.

I'd like for my child to attend as the dog's handler. Is that okay?

As much as we love the idea of the whole family being involved with your pup’s training, all handlers in class MUST be over the age of 18.

What happens if I miss one or more classes?

Due to the progressive nature of the class, missed classes are unable to be made up or credited. 

My dog is sick with ____. Can they still join classes?

Poor pup! Unfortunately, they cannot attend class until they are cleared. Before your pup can return to classes, you will need to supply a note from your vet stating that your dog is “healthy, non-contagious and appropriate for a group setting.” The note should be emailed to the office before you resume classes.

My dog has bitten another dog and/or person. Is this class right for them?

Unfortunately, pups who have a bite history are not a good fit for this class. Please contact the office for more detailed information on your options.

My dog is highly reactive or fearful. Will they be alright to attend class?

The dogs in this class will be social but overaroused when in the presence of other dogs or people. As such, if you have a reactive or fearful dog, it is not likely to be a good fit. However, feel free to check in with the office or schedule a phone consult to discuss further!

My dog is in heat. Can she still attend class?

Unfortunately, a pup in active heat is not allowed to attend class, so you will need to reschedule accordingly!

What method do you use for training?

We are a LIMA-based facility, meaning we use the least intrusive, minimally aversive methods to train and modify behavior. We focus on using positive reinforcement to teach the dog what TO do. We do not use e-collars, prongs, or choke collars.

What vaccines does my dog need for class?

We require proof of up to date Rabies and DHPP. That can be submitted at the time of enrollment, via email or brought to class in person.

The Pet Republic | 2400 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02140 | 617-520-4922 | office@powertothepet.com